
Questions marked with a * are required
RSVP: “Food-Energy-Water Nexus: Using Hydroviz to Support Undergraduate Student Learning about Complex Socio-Hydrologic Issues Workshop

Date: Wednesday February 8th, 2023
Time: 12:00 to 14:00 (Central Time).
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Email
4. Which department and institution are you affiliated with?
5. Are you a faculty, post-doctoral researcher, or graduate student teaching undergraduate students? Please describe about your current teaching role.
6. Do you currently teach an undergraduate course in which this module could be used to support student learning? Please describe the characteristics of the course (course name, course code, name of instructor, learning objectives, topics, number of students, activities held during instruction, assessments, etc.).
7. How are you attending?
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