
An employee in your school/district has been accepted to participate in a unique national project, Quantum for All, which is promoting the integration of quantum information science (QIS) in the high school classroom. This project, funded by the National Science Foundation Award #2009351 (https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2009351), will provide resources and support for teachers to help students be prepared for the future workforce, which will include principles of quantum.  The concern is that our students are not receiving the content background necessary to research, develop, and maintain the level of technology required to keep the country at the forefront of technological developments and provide national security. Participating high school STEM teachers will be given opportunities to participate in professional development that will focus on QIS and will be provided resources to support classroom implementation into current lessons.  Teachers in the project will participate in virtual lessons (July 2021) and face to face workshops (in 2022) at one of the four national sites.  After the workshops (2022), teachers will practice what they have learned by helping with student STEM camps.  Successful completion of the workshops and camps will qualify teachers to apply to host a student STEM camp in their home district in the summer of 2023. 

The expectations for participants include:   1) Commitment to implementing the suggested lesson components in their classroom to provide feedback on student engagement and interest (2021-2023). 2) Commitment to attend one of the 4 face-to-face workshops in 2022 and help with the subsequent student STEM camp.  Participants will receive a stipend for attending the 2022 workshops and camps. If the participants did not attend the workshops in the summer of 2021, they will need to catch up by doing the sessions online or via one of the Saturday sessions.  The cost of the online sessions is $50 and includes resources being shipped to them prior to the sessions to use during the lessons. 

Since there is a considerable financial investment in the teacher participants (stipends, equipment, etc), we are asking that districts/schools support their participation.  Signatures of support are needed to recognize their participation and allow them the flexibility of trying some of the lessons in their classrooms so we can get feedback on their effectiveness. If you support teacher participation in this project, please indicate below.If you have questions please contact project director, Karen Matsler kmatsler@uta.edu or go to the website https://quantumforall.org/Thank you in advance.
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