
IRB # 2024-0094

You are invited to participate in a dissertation study focusing on geoscience educators' efforts to interrogate whiteness within undergraduate curricula. This study aims to explore how professional geoscience educators challenge the dominance of whiteness in the geoscience curriculum.

Participation in this study is voluntary; you can choose to end your participation at any time. Please complete the following survey to help determine if you qualify to participate in this research endeavor. Rest assured, all the information you share will remain confidential to the fullest extent of the law.

Your expertise and experiences are invaluable to this research, and your insights can contribute significantly to reshaping the future of geoscience education. I appreciate your time and consideration in potentially joining this important conversation.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this study, please contact James Hobbs at james.hobbs@mavs.uta.edu

Note: You must be 18 years old or older to participate in this study. 

Please print or save a copy of this form for your notes.

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